Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Retirement.

I am retired. Many benefits accrue to me now. Tomorrow afternoon, after meeting with the staff in the morning at work, Ken and I will drive to the farm for the weekend rather than leaving on Friday noon. Then on Monday we will drive to Mississippi to get a head start on Thanksgiving with Andrew and Christina. I am free as a breeze. Ken has booked us into another place in Mexico, right next to our Playa Royale condo called The Palace, an all inclusive resort where we own some weeks, so we will spend all of January and all February in Puerta Vallarta, where the temperature in 85 degrees F.

Actually, I am paid thru the end of the year, then retained for three years as a paid consultant with Long and Foster. Ken and I are thrilled. Actually, Ken is a bit anxious, as he thinks that the only person I will be able to manage will be him and he does not like to be managed. Our task in the immediate future is to get the apartment ready for sale. Ken has already arranged for a mailing service to sort our mail and ship it to us, wherever we happen to be. Soon we will change our residence to Texas and our physicians to Jackson, Ms. It is a whole world in front of us, which we will enjoy.


AJ Dickie said...

Congratulations on your new life! We're very happy for you. Go forth and enjoy; you've earned it.

Set said...

I've posted your blog on Facebook suggesting that people who want to say goodbye face-to-face show up at the office this morning. You will be missed. Thanks for your support over the years.

Amanda Crowley Lasko said...

I can't even remember when I met you... I want to say I was 5? I know I was far too young then to recognize then what an impact you would have on my life.

I came to recognize as a very young adult how sound your advice is ... how prudent your path and choices are. I now know how rare it is for someone to be as efficient and methodical as you are while also being so in touch with the big picture. You have this ability to maintain a farsightedness that keeps things end goal oriented. You taught me how to begin with an end in mind. Thank you!

Thank you for your unassuming and sensible guidance. Thank you for the profoundly positive impact you've had on my life.

I know your retirement will be rich with meaning, family and fun. Kick back and enjoy in the sand somewhere warm. I look forward to living vicariously through you in your blog!

With much love, respect and thanks,
Amanda Crowley Lasko