Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Retiring. 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Coincidence.

Ken and I will wander the world together, now that I am retiring. Tomorrow I meet with Mr. Foster to map out a plan. It is all very exciting, although unexpected. Yesterday I met with Mr. Foster to discuss the office, and explained to him what I could and could not do over the next few years. I offered to retire now or in six months or six years, and he decided that the time was ripe for me to retire now. My friend Gary D. commented to me that someone had to make the call and he is probably right.

The agents are in shock but I believe that things tend to work out well and I am sure they will for the agents and staff. My goal was to provide a stable platform for the agents to work for the next ten years but it was not to be. Starting this July, the wheels started to come off the wagon so now I have done as much as I could to be helpful. Now I think my job is complete. We have had a great run. Now I am onto my next phase as a culinary maid or a world wanderer!!

1 comment:

Ethel Mayer said...

Dear Ruth,

You have been our cheerleader and
have provided us tremendous enthusiasm, wisdom and confidence.

This is truly the end of an era and the end of the Bethesda Gateway paradigm as we now know it.

My heartfelt thanks to you for letting me come along for the fantastic ride and huge, huge accolades to you for all that you provided.


Ethel Mayer