Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 17, 2010. Jackson, Ms. Home.

Not in my wildest dreams had it occurred to me to live in Mississippi, but here we are, with a small condo overlooking the lake, busily contacting doctors to establish our medical checkups. And we do seem to need a lot of doctors. In the spring we will sell the apartment in Chevy Chase, so we decided to find a whole bunch of new doctors somewhere else in a more convenient spot. We chose Jackson. Ms. There is a medical school here which has excellent facilities. And the city is small so easy to get to the doctors. The ranch and the lake house, also the farm are all a forty minute drive from a doctors office so we decided to make our life easy and have our regular check-ups in Mississippi.

So far we are doing well, although they want us to book an appointment in the new year right now. Unfortunately we know when we will not be in Mississippi but we do not know when we will be here. And I forgot two types of doctors, a gynecologist and an oncologist, but perhaps I won't need either. It does seem silly that both the breast surgeon and the oncologist have wanted to see me every year. Two years ago I talked them into seeing me every other year, except I have been so busy I have not seen the breast surgeon this year. Naughty me.

Now I have two doctors to go, then we will send our records on to them and have our medical life be here in Jackson, Ms. What an astonishing thing, but very convenient!!

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