Thursday, November 4, 2010

October 4, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Traffic.

The Mitchells moved from Bethesda to Annapolis because they hated the traffic. When they were both working, Mary at NIH and Cliff on Mass. Ave. they had no option but as soon as they retired they switched their primary residence to Delaware and sold their Bethesda home and moved to a town house in Annapolis. They are thrilled to be away from the traffic in Bethesda. Because we have lived close to work, the traffic has never been much of a problem for me...until today.

Last night it rained hard and it rained all day, so when Ken was driving me to work, normally a ten minute drive, it took us close to thirty minutes. Coming home was worse. The streets were clogged, the drivers were aggressive and all in all, I would have preferred to avoid the whole thing. The corner of Montgomery Ave. and Wisconsin had at least a foot of water on the road, the same corner that has not drained for several years. Montgomery County is broke but it would be nice to clear the drain every few years. The traffic must creep across the road which backs up the whole street in both directions. What a mess. One day I will cease putting up with this traffic mess, I bet.

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