Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Moving.

It is a big job, moving from one place to another. Every real estate agent should move every ten years, just to understand how it feels so can empathize with their clients. I am keeping my mind in check to treat the whole thing as a big lark, except when I wake up in the middle of the night, figuratively walking through the apartment, trying to figure out what on earth I will do with all these objects. Next I open every closet, trying to donate or save each object, of course all in my mind. In the middle of the night it can not be done, but in the full light of the daytime it is a piece of cake.

This afternoon when we arrived from the farm, I picked up all the books piled up around the apartment. I shelved sixty books in the library. No wonder the apartment looked crowded. I found piles of books beside every chair and on every table. Ken tends to keep several books on the go at any time so no wonder we have books just sitting around. My habit is to keep a pile of books on my bed side table, waiting to be read. And I stash partly read books on the coffee table. No more. All books are in the library and I must say, the place looks horrible with everything in the right place. I certainly will never be able to locate any specific book. I am preparing for the future and I am determined to enjoy it.

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