Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010. Jackson, Ms. Molly.

A year ago Molly had a vocabulary of about twenty words. Now that she is going to be three years old in a week, she talks up a storm. She never stops talking. It is a wonder to behold, that a child can learn so many words in such a short time, and talk all the time, while a year ago they she was almost mute. She is charming and enthusiastic and energetic and she never stops. Both Kate and Mary Frances take ballet classes and she is anxious to attend her own class too. But she is too young. In lieu of class, she wears all the paraphernalia of the dance and wears her ballet slippers and her tutu all the time. It is only for church that she will leave the house not dressed as a ballerina. The rest of the time she wants to look the part.

On the days when Kate and Mary Frances have their class, Molly asks Christina to put her hair up in a bun and wear her leotard and slippers. When she arrives at the studio she tells the other children that her class is not being held today, which would be true. For now she is in love with ballet. Now she is a very sturdy child so she does not fit the profile of a ballerina but no one tells her of course. For now she is in love with her life and her sisters and her family. You can't beat having a three year old around!!

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