Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 21, 2012. Playa Royale, Mexico. Gambling.

I have often been asked how my youth impacted my present life.  In other words, how did being brought up in a Salvation Army family made a difference in my present life?  It is a good question but difficult to answer accurately.  But several aspects of my life are with me now.  One is gambling.  I don't gamble.  I don't think anyone should gamble.  Of course, I am in the minority.  A new Casino is being opened just across the street from us here at Playa Royale and everyone here pleased it will be there.  But not me.

Ken and I gamble with real things like real estate and the stock market and we have been known to pull a handle in Las Vegas or Reno.  Both boys are comfortable playing poker or blackjack.  And my friend Sara Lou takes twenty dollars into the Casino and enjoys herself being entertained for several hours.  When her money runs out, she quits.  It is OK for her and the boys, but the attitude to gambling established in my family for gambling has stuck with me.

Now in my family we did not drink alcohol or smoked  cigarettes or cigars.  I am not sure exactly why some parts stick with me and some parts I ignore.  It is a puzzle and is not simple.  One thing I know full well, is that I do not gamble.  Maybe I am just cheap.


Debbie said...

LOL Miss Ruth!!! Maybe I'm just cheap! FUNNY!!!

Rambling with Ruth said...

Nothing wrong with being cheap!!