Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012 Playa Royale, Mexico. Burma.

It is a story that needs to be told so I was pleased to read it.  But this book by Emma Larkin was badly in need of a good editor.  The title is  "Everything is Broken: A Tale of catastrophe in Burma" tells you everything you are going to read throughout the whole book.  But it is poorly organized, badly written and forgets it is not an historical novel but a piece of non-fiction.  Most readers would never persevere to complete the reading.

Burma is a terrible place, run by a military dictator who changed the name a few years ago.  After reading this book, one does not get the feeling that things will get better for the people.  The story needs to be told but I wish a good editor had organized the material and cut out half the stories.  This is the country that refused any aid right after the Cyclone.  Who knows why.  But I did read the book to the bitter end.  Now I know I never want to travel to Burma.

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