Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015. Western Head, N.S. A Beehive of Activity.

Our family was tired of traveling so today everyone stayed  home and kept busy.  Our home was a center of activity.   The girls checked all the lights and replaced any bulbs that had burned out.  Ken asked them to do it.  Usually, Mal completes that task but he is not coming this summer so the girls have completed that job.

 Yesterday, David ordered a cord of wood delivered to the house.  He loves to make big fires.  This morning the wood was delivered so with David and Randy down by the fire pit, the wood was transported from beside the house to down by the shore, using the small trailer behind the lawn mower. Randy taught the girls to stack wood properly so with Sarah, Abigail and Jessica loading the trailer and driving it down by the water, and Samantha, Allison and Rachel doing the stacking, the wood was successfully transported to the proper place.  Now we look like we have a regular  Canadian wood pile.

After breakfast, Suzanne and Gabe went for a walk.  I was ready to send for a search mission because after two hours they were not home.  Eventually, they walked up the path, after walking all around the loop, a distance of over 8 miles.  Goodness.

All afternoon, David and the girls flew kites.  The wind was not perfect but they had great success.  And 19 for dinner again made for a jolly time.  Now all the young ones are again down by the fire.  The weather today was almost hot..   It was a perfect day of activity here by the shore.

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