Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14, 2015. Madison, Ms. Organizing.

Yesterday I organized.  I once again looked at all the family photographs and put more out on the shelves in the TV room.  Gloria did a great job putting many photos on the shelves beside the stairs to the lower level.  People like them but most of all, I love to see them every time I walk down the stairs.

I organized a party for December 4, at Sombro, a Mexican restaurant in Ridgeland.  It is a dinner party for our Jackson friends and their children, but is actually a party to celebrate my birthday, which is on December 6.  I booked the night at the restaurant and I phoned the folks to invite them and to save the date.  But I never say a word about my birthday.  The contract is signed and the menu is ordered so we are set and ready to go.

Thanksgiving dinner will be held in our new home.  I heard that places in town will prepare the whole feast, which you pick up and reheat on the big day.   It seems lazy but I spoke to the restaurant close to us, Primo,  and I immediately drove over and ordered and paid for our dinner.   Christina and I had discussed the options and when I heard that Katy and Nelson had used the service last year from Whole Food I was sold on the idea.  I have cooked many turkeys over my life but this year, I will pick up the whole meal the day before.  They will give me directions for the re heating.  I am getting smart in my old age.

My last organizing task was to phone our agent Susan Mimms to come and see the house.  She has seen the transformation so I wanted her to see the final product.  She came this morning for coffee.  And she brought us an antique map, showing the French possessions in 1747, where Nova Scotia is labelled Acadia.  We were delighted.  I have hung it here but I may take it to Nova Scotia, where it belongs.  That was a lot of organizing for one day.

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