Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22, 2015. Madison, Ms. Lourdes.

Lourdes is the wife of our new handyman, Chantes.  They moved here from Cuba.  In one conversation with Chantes, he mentioned that his wife, Lourdes, was a good cook.  I quickly asked him if she might be interested in cooking for us.  We have agreed that Lourdes will come and cook in our kitchen  one day a week and will prepare meals that can be heated up as needed.  So far she has come twice and so far, all has been well.

Lourdes is first a person who wants to help us and she can tell we are not capable of doing our own food preparation.  Ken has been the main cook for the past 30 years and he can not do it now.   All I do now is to move food around but I do not actually cook.  So Lourdes is kind.

Lourdes is also a person who wants us to eat only healthy food.  She has already lectured me many times as to what we must be eating.  We must eat only organic food.  We must not eat red meat or ice cream or butter.  Before she comes to cook, she visits the grocery store and buys what she needs to cook this week.  And she wants us eating gluten free.   I am older than her but she lectures me as if I am her daughter.  Fortunately, her English is limited so much of what she tells me is in Spanish so I just laugh.  She has already encouraged us to buy a NutriBullet, to mix up healthy drinks, which I have used twice.  She really believes that when we eat properly, we will become strong.

Lourdes is a charming lovely lady and she is also an excellent cook.  I am delighted to find food in the fridge we can eat for our meals.  But I suspect that we will never match her standards of eating well.  But we will try our best..

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