Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015. Madison, Ms. Light Bulbs.

How many men does it take to change a light bulb?   In our house, the answer is three, especially one man is 82 and  another is 79.

Our breakfast room had one pot light burned out.  The ceiling is high so Ken and Don bought a long pole that holds attachments to push up and twist the light out.  We had something similar in Texas and it worked just fine.  Ken opened the package and set it up for the correct size.  Then Ken and Don tried to remove the dead bulb.  Doreen and I were listening from our secure perch in the living room, but we could hear every word.

First the pole came apart, then the part wrapped around the bulb would not budge.  Great hilarity was coming from the breakfast room.  Next Ken decided to use the suction cup of the mechanism to remove the bulb, but this time the whole end stuck to the build and would not move an inch.  By now they had two pieces attached to the bulb that was showing no signs of moving.  They decided to get the ladder.

Doreen and I were not pleased to hear of either of them going up the ladder so Doreen volunteered to climb up and remove the two parts by hand.  Even with the ladder she was unable to do anything.  More chortling and chuckling were heard.

Finally today, our new handyman Chantes installed the new bulb, which took 5 minutes.  So the answer to the question of how many men does it take to change a light bulb is really one, but it must be one under 60.  Our old guys had great fun but it needed the young one to get the job done.

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