Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 10, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Health Update.

I will have another scan on June 18, when we will find out what is really going on inside my body. The Oncologist is checking blood counts every 2 weeks. So far, I am holding my own with my white cells at 3. She is delighted to hear my blood counts but she is also delighted that I am keeping my weight up. Ken would prefer me a bit lighter but the good Dr. S. does not want to hear about it. So I am doing well both with my blood counts and my weight. I am able to do everything I need to do every day. I do the laundry and look after the dishwasher along with organizing meals. I walk most days so I am not short of energy. I put my feet up for an hour every afternoon. I think I could say that I am doing well. Ken is doing better. He walked with the physical therapist on the street today, the first time since we have been home. He is more independent, walking around the house by himself and dressing himself morning and night. He showers all by himself too. We are thinking about not having the night helper. He gets to the bathroom by himself at night and seldom needs help for anything else. Tomorrow we see the Neurologist so we will ask him, Some days Ken thinks he will be able to travel to Nova Scotia but other days he says "Not yet". We think he could function there but getting there is still a problem. The Urologist said last week that the prostate cancer is under control. He will take 30 days of the cancer medicine and then stop them. Ken is on a long dose of the antibiotics for the infection in his testicle but at the moment, things are going well for Ken. Seven weeks ago he could not walk with help so he has come a long way. He is quietly optimistic. Now we must decide about his exercise program. The physical therapist will stop after next week so we must think about whether Ken can do the exercises on his own or hire a personal trainer. I must investigate and we will figure it out. Nice problem to have!

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