Saturday, May 12, 2018

May 12, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. The Chairs.

When a piece of furniture is purchased it is reassuring to know that it fits right as soon as it has been delivered. Until then, it crosses your mind that you might have wasted money and I do not like to waste money. Christina and I measure heights and width and were careful with colors but until the furniture is in place, you never know if it will fit. This morning the three chairs were delivered and I am pleased to say that everything fits and looks good. The two chairs for the living room look like they belong and even more importantly, Ken is able to get out of the chair by himself which pleases him. The former chairs were in perfect condition and the lady who owns the consignment shop now has them out on her floor. She said the chairs were made in Mississippi. Buying the two chairs for the living room were worth purchasing because we had no place in the living room where Ken could sit comfortably. Now he can. My chair in the TV room does everything I wanted it to be. It is comfortable, looks good in the space and can swivel so I can watch the birds at the bird feeders without twisting my neck. I am pleased. Miskelly has a good system with delivery. They e mail you the day before telling you a 2 hour window for delivery. Then 20 minute before delivery, they call so say the chairs are on the way. Their system is good and we appreciated their competence. Now our furniture buying is over.

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