Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 19, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Anticipation.

Nothing brings me more pleasure than the anticipation of beginning a new book. Nothing. I hold books back from beginning to read a new book until I have time to delve deeply and read at length. When I was a child and was given books for Christmas or Birthdays, I would hold back from reading the new books until such time when I could take the time to pay proper attention to the book. I still do the same thing. Beside my chair in the living room is a stack of 5 books, waiting for me to give them justice. Yesterday I finally got up the courage to begin a new book, "The White Road," by Edmund De Waal. He wrote "The Hare With Amber Eyes," which I loved so when I found out that the author had published another book, I asked Ken to order it for me and he did. It has been sitting beside my chair in Mississippi since November, just waiting for me to jump in. Yesterday was the day. I am not disappointed. Just reading the first few chapters has given me great pleasure. But the anticipation and excitement of beginning a new book always surprises me. I am not easily thrilled but I certainly was thrilled to begin this new book. I asked Kendria one of our young helpers if she enjoys reading. "No", she said. How sad I thought to myself. She is missing out of giving herself much joy. But not me. I am excited to be starting a new book, written by a fine author. Anticipation is mine.

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