Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Cousins.

Six of our grandchildren were here for the graduation of Mary Frances. They had a good time together. Of course they have not seen each other for several years so they were pleased to see one another. David taught Molly how to cast which apparently she was able to do well, even though she did not catch a fish. Kate using her machine to pierce the twins ears. They disappeared downstairs and returned with pierced ears. So far all is well. The last two times they tried they got infections. All of the girls pitched in to help. Suzanne, Sarah and Samantha went to the grocery store for me. And they helped at every meal. All the cousins plus the Sutherland boys played card games. They must have had fun because they made a lot of noise. The cousins stayed together the whole time, except when sleeping. The Texas family stays at the Hilton. I suspect that if they were together more often they would not get along so well. All day Saturday, Kate worked at Handy's Candies, her summer job so in the afternoon the Texas family stopped to see her and buy some candy. They wanted to see Kate in action. I did not grow up with cousins. Until my cousin, Diane came to live with us in Vancouver when she was training at Grace Hospital I knew no cousins. My Uncle Joe's family lived in Montreal, were Catholic and did not think well of The Salvation Army so we never got to see them even though we would have been about the same age. So watching the cousins have a good time together is new to me. The Texas Family have invited Christina and the girls to Texas this summer, perhaps to stay at the lake house. I hope they go because knowing your cousins is a pleasure in your life. This time in Mississippi was pure pleasure, especially Ken and me.

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