Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 15, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Waiting.

I hate waiting. The only time I ever wait is at the office of one of my doctors. It drives me nuts. I know that doctors have emergencies and I know not every patient requires the same amount of time but I still think there must be a better way than keeping patients in the waiting room for an hour. Here in Mississippi, the eye doctors are the worst followed closely by the dermatologist. Then when you are finally called back into the examining rooms, the doctor has asked for tests before you see him which all take time. In fact today I had to wait to take a test. I try to keep calm but I really want to encourage them to have someone check their systems. I never by choice get in a line to get into anything. No restaurant or movie is too good for me to get in line to enter. I find another option. But at the doctors offices, you have no choice. You are captive. The same is true at the post office. They have a corner on the market so we get in their line to get stamps or to mail a package. Except now we do have options with mailing. Right around the corner from our post office is a mailing company where the service is enthusiastic and pleasant. And they will box up your gifts. I try to get early appointments so I do not need to wait but I still end up waiting because the doctor got stuck at the hospital which is right across the street. The smart phone is a great blessing. I clear my e mails while waiting and I watch the people. I seem to be the only one who is agitated by waiting. Mississippi people are polite and patient. But not me. I am only polite. I hate waiting.

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