Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 29, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Decisions.

Our minds are made up. Ken and I are going to Nova Scotia this summer. The easiest thing to do is stay here in Mississippi where we have everything we need to be comfortable, but during our lifetime, we have not always used the easiest paths. I have booked a flight for July 19. Now the fun begins. Ken and I spent most of the morning and early afternoon gathering information. Ken was able to find a company that provides professional drivers. They use our car. The drive would take 4 or 5 days, with stops along the way. I talked with the boss for a long time asking millions of questions. We will use them in the future, especially when we want to go to Texas. But after consulting with David via email, he suggests that the long car ride may be too much for Ken. I must call them tomorrow to let them know that the answer is NO. Ken found another company to fly. The price is about the same as the Air Ambulance but the planes are more comfortable. We have decided to use that company. Now tomorrow we must complete the paperwork. Our plan is to leave July 19 and fly from Jackson to Halifax, non stop. We will organize our own ground transportation. They will arrange it for us but the cost would probably be higher. We are happy with our decision. The two companies we dealt with today will be useful in the future. I spent a lot of time talking with them and the time was well spent. Now here we go, putting all the other pieces in place. Whoopee.

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