Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 19, 2011. Jackson, Mississippi. The Drinking of Tea.

Now it is official.  In the February 26th issue of Science News, page 26, is a feature article on Brain Boosters.  It is an interesting article, but the item of note is tea.  I always knew it was good for you, but now it is a scientific fact.  Tea is good for your brain function.   In addition "increased performance under stress and improved learning and concentration and reduced stress" all comes from the drinking of tea.   It turns out that tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that can alter brain wave rhythms, inducing wakeful relaxation.

Also, tea is a major dietary source of caffeine, which also increases brain function.  Did you know that people worldwide drink more tea than any other beverage after water?  It is true, test after test.  Drink tea and the scores go up and executive function increases.  It's all there in the article.

No wonder the agents did so well in the Bethesda Gateway office.  Every day, they drank tea at 4:00.  Now we will watch what happens, now that no one is serving tea.

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