Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26, 2011. San Antonio, TX. A Work Day.

David worked all day on his new path,  first filling his truck with the base ground stone level at the dirt place, then spreading it on the path.  Finally he rented a machine to tamp down the stone.  Next he will spread small chunks of granite to finish the job.  This path runs from one side of his yard to the other, behind the pool.  This is his third attempt at a path.  First he put down paving stones.  He was not happy  because the children tripped over the stones when running, so he used the stepping  stones in another part of the yard.  Next attempt was to use mulch but it quickly spread over the yard.  Now he is doing it properly.  By this time tomorrow, he will have the best path on the block.

Suzanne washed up all the dishes we brought while I took all the dishes out of the two lower cabinets used for serving pieces.  Suzanne inspected every item do decide whether or not the object was useful.  The kitchen counter tops were covered.  I also looked into all lower cabinets, trying to find more space.  In between basketball games, Suzanne and I put all the objects back into the cabinets.  Now everything is in it's place and the cabinets are orderly.  Suzanne is pleased.

Ken put the table together and we moved the oak table to the garage.  Suzanne and I placed the carpets, experimenting  in several spots in the house, finally deciding what looked best.  Then we placed the chairs around the dining table, only to discover that we seemed to have lost one chair.  Ken and I had 13 Hitchcock chairs.  We left 2 at the farm and took 6 to Andrew and Christina in the trailer, which left 5 in the back of the truck.  But when I placed the chairs around the dining table, I could only find 4.  Where did the one chair disappear?  It is a mystery.

We all did good work today.  Tomorrow we will hang pictures.

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