Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16, 2014. Harper, Texas. The Ranch.

All day today a machine could be heard down the hill from our Top House. The dead trees and the cedar trees are being removed from the ranch. Two families purchased the adjacent ranch: a couple our age and their son and his wife and two children. They sold their construction business in Corpus Christie and retired here, bringing with them big machines. They have done a masterful job of fixing up their ranch. In one huge shed they built an apartment for the elder couple and at the ranch house they built a large deck overlooking their pastures. But the most impressive thing they did was to upgrade their fields. We overlook one of their hills. There is not a cedar tree in sight, nor any dead trees. The fields look wonderful. In addition they built three dams and dug holes so now they have water tanks on their property. Yesterday, the son, who is about 50, came by to say hello. As their tasks on their ranch are complete, he is able to take jobs for other folks, so we quickly hired him for the week. Ken and I had just decided to find about someone to get rid of the cedar trees. Actually, the trees we want gone are Juniper and are not native to Texas but in Texas they are called Cedar trees. They also take over the oak trees, so everyone wants them removed. He will work for a week and then we will see how far he gets. It was perfect timing when he came by yesterday. The ranch is getting better.

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