Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 5, 2014. Western Head, N.S. Closing Up.

We did it all by ourselves. The odds and ends of food from the cottage was packed into the car, along with the sheets and towels. Our truck was full by the time we drove home. The furniture down by the lake is now safely tucked away. Yesterday I brought the furniture to a central spot and this afternoon Ken and I loaded the stuff on the truck and stored the tables and chairs in either the boat house or the change house. I was not sure we could do it, all by ourselves, but we did. Ken says that it takes him four times longer than normal to accomplish any task, but the point is, the task gets done. We huffed and puffed and we took breaks to catch our breath, but we got it done. Now Vinal will remove the raft and the dock and call for the plumber to set the cottage up for the winter. But Ken and I have done our job and the cottage is officially closed up for the winter.

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