Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014. Harper, Texas. Recluse.

Right across the street from us in Nova Scotia lives a couple. We never see them. They live there all year but they never come outside. When we first moved, I stopped over to say hello and to invite them to a party. They were both pleasant and friendly. They came to the party and stayed for thirty minutes. The wife has difficulty walking. As I was accompanying them to their car, she thanked me for inviting them but asked me not to invite them again, as she said "We do not do anything social". I have not seen them since. They are much younger than us and they both work for their living as writers. It is still amazing to me that these good folks live directly across the street from me, both living as a recluse. Several days this week I have lived as a recluse. Today I never left the Top House. I read and e mailed and I was happy as a clam. Perhaps when I get older, I too will become a recluse and stay home all the time. This concept for myself never crossed my mind, until now. My cough is still with me and my energy has not returned. Perhaps that has turned me into a recluse. I can see that some time in the future I will just want to stay home. It will be interesting.

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