Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 12, 2015. Harper, Texas. My Fancy Phone.

At the moment, my fancy phone will only allow me to make a phone call.  For some reason that I do not understand, my phone will not ring, nor can I make a text message or receive one.   I have pushed lots of buttons but nothing seems to work.  Clearly I need one of the grandchildren to fix my phone.  In the olden days, when I worked, whenever I could not make a machine behave,  I could ask Regina for help and my problem was solved quickly.  But right now I am stuck.  I can not even pick up my voice mails.  My friend Clausen has commented that he will never be able to totally retire.  When one of his essential machines will not work properly, he makes a visit to the IS department and they fix it.  "I would be lost without them", says he.  I know how he feels.

Ken does not use an iPhone so he is no help.  Actually he lost his phone at the cottage the second week in Nova Scotia, so he has ordered a new bigger iPhone.  The new phone was ordered on line and is waiting for him at the post office to be picked up.  Last evening while going through his back pack he found his phone in the side pocket.  And it still works.  But when he called my phone it went directly into voice mail.  It is pathetic but true.  I must make a visit to a phone store where some one looking 16 years old will push the buttons and in three minutes all will be well with my phone.  Pathetic but true!!

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