Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 30, 2015. Harper, Texas. The Eclipse.

Everything was perfect.  The stars were out as was the moon.   Ken and I were watching from the second floor porch of the Top House, so it was a fine place to watch the magic unfold.  We already could see the pink/orange moon.  The chairs were perfectly set to sit and watch the action.  But then the clouds began drifting across the moon so during the time period of the actual eclipse, we were blocked from seeing the moon disappear and then return.  We were able to see it come and go so we were pleased.

I lost faith so came in to bed but Ken stayed much longer so was able to see more of the spectacle, especially the color and around the rim of the moon.  This all happened on September 27.  Our cleaning man, Jason had borrowed a big lens for his camera so he and friends went to an open field to take pictures.  All was well with the camera settings in order, when bit by bit the clouds kept drifting by so they experienced the same thing as us.  He finally called his wife to say that the pictures were a bust and he was coming home.  But at least he tried.  He will be around for the next blood moon with an eclipse, which will be in 2038.  Hope the sky is clear that night.

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