Friday, June 15, 2018

June 15, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Short Storms.

While we were at lunch today, at a downtown restaurant, a storm rolled in. The rain poured and we could hear thunder although we saw no lightning. By the time we were ready to leave, the storm was over. We saw remains of the storm with puddles everywhere but other than that, the storm was but a memory. Earlier in the week I was about to take my walk but the trees were being blown around by heavy winds. With all the trees in our neighborhood, walking in a storm is dangerous because limbs come down in the high wind and heavy rain. So I sat in the living room and watched the storm come across the reservoir. It was dramatic. But the storm lasted only an hour. Then everything returned to normal and the sun came out. The next day, our good neighbor and his son came and collected the branches that had broken off during the storm. At last 15 large branches are now piked by the road waiting to be picked up. The garbage collectors pick up everything, except it seems for large branches. In Texas we have heavy storms with lots of rain but nothing as short as the storms in Mississippi which could be very short. People know to just wait. The storm will soon be gone. Short and severe I call the storms. Interesting.

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