Thursday, June 21, 2018

June 21, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Update.

My scans are unchanged from the last one, which were done at the end of March. The good news is obvious but I wonder why the cancer in my ribs have not gone. I see my Oncologist before we leave so I will ask. By blood counts also look pretty good. Not normal but better. So that is good too. Today I saw Dr. O., the lady who performed the last procedure on my right eye. My pressures remain normal so the procedure was a success, which is more good news. Ken has completed three weeks of the physical therapy clinic. By the time Thursday rolls around he is exhausted. He continues to be more independent. In fact, the helpers do not have much to do so we send April home at 6:30. He does have to have a cancer cut off his leg. That will be done next Thursday. The cardiologist changed medications but generally, his improvement continues, which is a great blessing. He cooked steaks for us on the kitchen grill last week. And he continues to enjoy his desserts!! He walks 10 minutes at a time twice a day. He is pleased. But he is far from normal. He remains positive there will be a breakthrough with Parkinson's Disease. In the meantime, he takes his medications. And here we go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Mark Herlson and I enjoy reading your blog periodically. Your writing paints a real picture of your everyday life. Both you and Ken have had your health struggles but remain so very positive. We also hope for a break through in Parkinson’s; Mark was diagnosed with it in 2012 and retired the same year. His symptoms are weakness and shaking in the right arm, a mild case at this point.The soccer has been enjoyable as we were Iceland fans but nothing can beat the Stanley Cup Caps win.

Please enjoy your Nova Scotia time this summer. You probably are aware Mark sold the cabin a few years ago but we still go up each year as I love the area. Early December, we spent a weekend walking the streets of Halifax enjoying the food and Guinness that’s imported from Ireland at Durty Nelly’s.

Our emails are:

Best to you both, Susie & Mark