Monday, June 4, 2018

June 4, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Together Alone.

Tonight is the first night since early January that Ken and I are alone together in our house. We have had nurses or helpers every night. We might change our minds, but we have cancelled our night helper, at least for the moment. For the past few weeks I have been monitoring the activities of the night helper and decided that they really have little to do. Ken dresses himself in the morning and gets ready for bed at night. If he needs to get up to the bathroom he gets there himself. Often at night he will go to his comfortable chair in the TV room and read on his iPad but he gets up and down himself. They check to be sure his bottles of water or juice are full for the night but other than that, they don't have much to do. When we first arrived late in March, Ken needed help every time he walked anywhere but not anymore. Our night helpers were called several times every night. Not much sleep for them. But no more. we are cutting one cord. And we will see how Ken gets along with just me in the house. I am not really steady on my feel either so I know Ken is anxious. During the daytime, we will keep our helpers but for the moment, we will be alone together. And we like it like that.

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