Friday, August 16, 2019

August 16, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. New Appliances.

My kitchen looks totally different and new, all because every appliance is new. The look is totally different. I certainly did not intend to replace every appliance in the kitchen but that is what I did. And much to my surprise, the kitchen looks great. It all started innocently enough when the fridge stopped working. The only counter depth refrigerator at MacPherson's was a stainless, so I bought it. All the appliances were white. Next was the microwave. Dave and Irene bought a stainless replacement, which when it was installed above the white stove looked odd. Finally, Mal convinced me that having all appliances installed at the same time made sense because they could outlive me. So I replaced the inferior washing machine and the stove I always hated. Now that everything is in place I love the look. And everything works well. No longer do I have to juggle to get all the plates in the dishwasher. And the stove and microwave work perfectly. I am delighted and grateful for Dave and Irene for their generous gift of the microwave and to Mal who convinced me it was in my interest to replace the dishwasher and stove. He should have been in sales. Now I am smiling every time I walk into the kitchen. You can't beat that.

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