Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 3, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. A Movie.

Every weekend at the Astor Theatre a movie is shown. Two years ago the equipment was modernized so we get first run movies here in little Liverpool. This morning Gill called to see if I wanted to go with her and Karen. Since I have become a widow and since I do not drive, I always say yes to any invitation. It is my new rule. Gill picked me up. Then we stopped to pick up Bruce. Finally Karen and friend Bev who is visiting got in. It was just like driving car pool. In order to fit everyone in the car, Gill got in the back seat with me and Bev while Bruce drove with Karen in the front seat. As we pulled up to the theatre, Karen commented that the empty parking space meant that few people were at the movie. And she was correct. As I hate crowds, I was delighted to know that there were only 9 people in the theatre. On the way to town, no one knew the name of the movie. And I don't remember now. But I enjoyed it. The story line tells of the dreams of a country singer who lives in Glasgow and wants to go to Nashville. There were loads and loads of songs both by the young lady and on her ear phones as she walked. We even heard some Patsy Cline tunes. So I enjoyed all the singing. Plus several original songs by the star. All the actors were Scottish. In fact often we could not hear what was said, especially by the children. But the singing was done with no accent which I thought meant that someone else was singing the songs, not the actress. I watched for the credits to see if someone else was given the credit for the singing but to no avail. Whoever did sing had a great voice so I enjoyed the singing. The protagonist goes to Nashville but comes home to headline a show in Glasgow. All ends happy, back at home in Scotland. For me, it was another great night at the movies.

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