Friday, August 23, 2019

August 23, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Wild Blueberries.

My memory plays tricks on me. I know the wild blueberries that we are able to buy in August taste better than the regular blueberries we eat through out the year, but not until you taste them again each year do you realize how wonderful these berries really are. The berries are tiny. But they pack a punch. I always wonder how such flavor can be found in these small berries. Tonight as we were sitting in the living room eating ice cream and blueberries, both Dave and I recalled how great these berries really are. This year's crop is excellent: juicy, succulent and full of flavor. The box of 5 pounds can be purchased at Cosby's garden shop or at the grocery store. They only last a few weeks. I keep a bowl washed in the fridge ready to eat at every meal. I eat a bowl of blueberries and cream with breakfast and again at dinner. I never get tired with the flavor. I like the regular big blueberries but they do not compare with the wild blueberries from Nova Scotia. It is worth coming to Nova Scotia in August just to eat the wild blueberries. Every year I forget, until I taste them again. Once again, I am in blueberry heaven.

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