Monday, August 9, 2021

August 9, 2021. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Wendy & Ken to Grand Pre.

They started early which was a good thing because they did a lot of driving. But they had a fine day and arrived home just after 6:00, tired and happy. They drove to the other side of the province to see a bit of the French Shore. They saw the mud flats of the Bay of Fundy at low tide. And they saw the bay at high tide when the mud flats they had walked on just hours before were covered with water right up to the rocks on the shore. And they visited Grand Pre, the spot in 1755 when the french inhabitants were expelled from Mova Scotia. Even though they had lived there for over 150 years, the english governow booted them out, some to Lousiana where they becaue Cajuns, from their original name of Acadians. They walked down to the same cross on the shore from where they boarded the boats. And Ken and Wendy walked the dikes, the very same ones built by the french settlers in 1608. They reported that the park area is lovely. And they found wonderful views of the Bay of Fundy, seen from high spots overlooking the whole bay. Wolfville was full of people but they looked at Acadia University which they thought charming. So they had a good day and I loved hearing their stories. And they brought fresh corn from a fruit stand in the Annapolis Valley. It was good.

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