Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13, 2010. Artemas, Pa. Sarah and Andy.

Real Estate agents have a difficult time getting away from their job while still in the city. The phone rings and a document needs to be dropped off, or a client wants to see a house and soon to agent is back on duty, even though they intended to stay home with their spouse. Sarah and Andy both know that to really get Sarah off duty they must get out of town so they are here to visit us at the farm, then tomorrow will drive to The Bedford Springs Hotel to play golf and visit the lovely spa. They arrived today at noon after a leisurely two hour drive. "No traffic and beautiful scenery" was how they described the drive.

Of course, in the middle of lunch Sarah, could be seen talking on her cell phone outside beside a big field. Her cell phone was not working inside the house. After lunch we ate dessert at The Alley Cat ice cream parlor at The Road Kill Cafe. Soon, after a bit of reading/napping we will go and look at Gary's place and our little rental before building a fire and burn our trash. Tonight for dinner we will cook steaks, probable down by the fire at the farm house. They have been to the farm in times past, also visited us in Nova Scotia and they are very easy to have as guests. The best part is they enjoy the country and the tranquility. Many folks are uncomfortable without TV, but it is always a pleasure having Sarah and Andy come to visit.

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