Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. The Best Laid Plans.

The weather was fierce Sunday evening in Nova Scotia. Wind and rain and lots of it so after our hot tub and a cup of Ovaltine Ken decided to check on our flight which was to be 9:30 Monday morning. Maryland was in the midst of a big storm, in fact some tornadoes touched down causing a lot of damage. Sure enough, our morning flight was cancelled so we were re-routed through Toronto, so instead of leaving at 9:30 to get us home at the apartment by noon, we left at 10:45 with a two hour layover in Toronto, just in time to arrive at Dulles to get into rush hour traffic. The good part was that we arrived home safely. The bad part was that we spent five more hours getting us here. We were not complaining though, just disappointed.

As soon as we arrived I called the Pharmacy to obtain one of my eye drops. I tried to fill the prescription in Liverpool, but the only way to get a Doctor to write me a prescription was to go to the Emergency at the Hospital, pay $250. fee and wait in line. I was not inclined to spend that kind of money so I decided that in the future I must pay more attention to my medications and be sure to bring all I need for the duration. Now I have my drops, obtained at my local friendly Safeway Pharmacist.

The weather is glorious here in Chevy Chase. 75 degrees and sunny with low humidity. This is a good thing, as my car's air-conditioning is not working and I don't intend to fix it. The $4,000. to replace it costs more than the car is worth!!

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