Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Future Plans.

Trying to look ten years into the future is a very difficult thing to do but of course we do it all the time. One factor to consider is the company you work with. Who is going to be in charge? Are the policies likely to change so the agents are well served? Do the new people in charge know anything about the life of an agent or manager? Do they care about the life of an agent? Trying to factor into all the variables makes your head spin but when you consider the future all those aspects of the company must be taken into account before decisions are made concerning future action. One thing I know is that a person must think long and hard and carefully before making a decision.

Exploring options is the next aspect of planning for the future. I like to talk to all the players available to me to evaluate the assets and liabilities for any course of action. Short term vs long term benefits are often very different but again, looking into the future benefits is merely guess work but they are certainly not to be ignored. I have made mistakes in my management life these past 23 years but I have always been able to correct the errors but that involves constant evaluation. Correcting errors is never easy but is always essential. The process is the key to success.

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