Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010. Jackson, Miss. Families.

Today at noon we met John, who is married to Greta Barour who is the sister of Eleanor. We like Eleanor and Jim very much so were pleased to meet another family member. It has been fun tracking the families here in Mississippi. Eleanor is one of five children, all of whom live in Jackson along with their spouse and children. The siblings are all competent and productive and all but one have several children. It is the norm here to have several children. A family with only two children is unusual. This has been true for many generations too. Both of Eleanor's parents were born in Mississippi as were the grandparents and great grandparents and all from large families.

John, the man we met today is from Louisiana and was raised on a farm just north of Baton Rouge in the plains but went to school in Mississippi where he met his future wife. His sister who teaches at College was in graduate school with Greta Barbour so introduced them and settled in Jackson. He has a degree in History so we had a great conversation about the borders and how they were established. His grandmother wrote a book about The Plains and the People which we have ordered.

Families in Mississippi are very important and because the population is small it seems that everyone is related to everyone else. Everyone also seems very pleasant or at least polite. We are beginning to be comfortable here in Jackson and we certainly enjoy the families we have gotten to know. We are fortunate that our children have good friends.

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