Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 7, 2015. Nuevo Vallarta, Mex. Don and Doreen.

Several people have e mailed me, asking how Don and Doreen became friends. After all, it is unusual for friends to drop everything and come to help without batting an eye. And of course, they have been helpful in every conceivable way, and we are grateful for that. We four all have Salvation Army background. We met at the Danforth Corps of the Salvation Army when we were teenagers. All four were born to Salvation Army officers. When we met Don, his parents were retired officers and Ken's Mother had left the work when she married, but Doreen's parents and mine were active duty officers. In fact, Doreen's father, Clarence Wiseman became the General of The Salvation Army. So we four were born and bred in the happy environment of The Salvation Army. We all four did what kids in The Salvation Army all do. We sang in the Songsters and the band and were active in Youth Group so we saw a lot of each other over the years. We married within a year of each other and we kept in touch, even when we moved to Texas. Don and Doreen, after their children were launched, became Captains in The Salvation Army, serving in Costa Rico, Mexico City and Newfoundland. Since we all retired, it has been easier to get together. They have visited us in Nova Scotia more than once and to Nuevo Vallarta too, also to the farm. And of course, they have attended all our anniversary celebrations. We have been friends for over 60 years. They have been a great blessing to us and we are grateful for their friendship. But it all started many moons ago in Toronto, Canada.

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