Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015. Madison, Ms. Captive.

They come at 7:00 sharp. They walk in the door and they begin to work. Fortunately, the door to our bedroom is closed so we can listen to the sounds of working while we snuggle in bed. Today they were working on the main floor, especially the dining room, stairway and living room and foyer, which meant that everything was covered up with plastic and tarps. We were captive in the master suite. Fortunately, we have a sitting room adjacent to the bedroom so we had a place to read. And we could get to the kitchen and return food to the sitting room to eat. Other than that, we were captives in our bedroom. Ken had gone down to his office first thing after breakfast but when he tried to return after lunch it was impossible. All the wood was wet with paint so he could not return down the stairs without holding the rail. We spent the afternoon reading. Tonight we watched Antiques Roadshow. Our TV is now installed in the small sitting room adjacent to our bedroom. It is a great TV room and also an excellent reading room. Fortunately we bought two comfortable chairs so we were all set to be captives in our own home. Already the main level looks better. The ceiling is done and most trim has had one coat. The walls have been prepared for their first coat. Four painters worked today. I think tomorrow will be another day of captivity although Ken will spend more time in his office. He might even have a painter bring him down some lunch, at least if I will prepare it for him. Fortunately, our bedroom is a haven from the mess of the rest of the main level. But soon the painting will all be done and I will no longer be a captive in my bedroom.

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