Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015. Madison, Ms. Glasses.

For some reason, eye glasses will be in my future. When I was old and had the surgery that put new lens in my eyes, I was able to see perfectly so I no longer needed to wear glasses. And what was even better, I bought the new fancy lens that adjusted for reading so I no longer needed even reading glasses. For the first time since I was 8 years old, I did not need to wear eye glasses. It was wonderful. But after my first treatment of chemotherapy, my eyes began to change. Some times, all was well and other times I could not see the road signs. Immediately we went to the eye doctor and he prescribed a wetting solution, which helped but only sometimes. My eyes had deteriorated so sometimes I could not read, even with my reading glasses. Today at the good doctor, my vision was 20/60 so I have ordered glasses for distance. I am no longer getting the IV Infusion but neither my legs nor my eyesight are getting better. We hope that time will heal the problems. But in the meantime, during our drive to Texas, I must be able to see properly. It took me five minutes to select my frames, which startled the young lady who kept bringing me other types to try for me. Once I was comfortable with the frame, I was ready to go. Thursday will be the day I return to the world of eye glasses. What a bother!!

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