Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3, 2015. Madison, Ms. Firsts.

Tonight is the first time we have seen the moon shining across the water. It is beautiful. In addition, the dishwasher is running, which is the first time in the new house. The washer and dryer both worked too, for the first time. This is a day of firsts. The boxes have been disappearing all day long. Wendy has been working hard, emptying boxes and putting them outside to be removed. And Elizabeth, the movers wife came to help this afternoon so at this moment, we have only 6 boxes left to open and we will leave them until the painter is finished. Our clothes are piled in the dining room, ready to move into the master bedroom closet. And the pantry will be ready tomorrow too so we will be able to move our stuff and put them away. The kitchen is in order with all our belonging put into it's correct place. Wendy put everything away with a little help from me. We have made good progress. This evening we ate our appetizer sitting outside on the patio, watching the fishermen. I feel sure it was the first of many appetizers sitting outside. It was delightful.

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