Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015. Madison, Ms. Walker.

Three friends e mailed me, urging me to use a walker. I was having difficulty finding a strong arm to lean on to walk, so these three told me that for them, using a walker made them safe and independent. But I was not convinced because I thought that my condition would get better once I was well past the IV Infusion, which had causes the difficulty with my legs. My theory seemed sound except that it was not working. My legs got worse. Even with the cane I was unstable. Clever Christina investigated walkers and suggested that we buy one to try it out. She and I decided on a fancy model complete with four wheels, brakes, a seat and a small bag. We did not tell Ken what we were doing. Today it arrived. The handyman set it up and showed it to Ken who assured Bill that this walker belonged to Ruth, not him. Today I walked all over the house to get comfortable with the equipment. Tomorrow I will venture outside. After he tried it out, Ken agreed with me that using it is safer. And he used it to transfer shoes. I used it to move some china from the breakfast room to the hutch, so in addition to being safer for me, it aleo helps me move things around the house. My three friends were smart to urge me to use a walker. I was just slow to learn their lesson. But not any more. I have seen the light!!

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