Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28, 2015. Palistine, Texas. Jet Black.

All of a sudden, I was in the pitch black. The fan stopped too and I could neither hear or see a thing. It is difficult trying to figure out what to do next as I was sitting on the toilet of a service station. When I went into the ladies room, I noted that someone was in the handicapped section so I went into the only other one. And I was quiet and did not say a word. When the lady from the handicapped spot left the ladies room, she turned off the light, and I was in the dark. Actually I was totally in the black. I could find nothing. No toilet paper. No cane. Do handle to flush. No door handle. Eventually, I could see the door to get out so I opened it so from then on I could function, especially when I found the light switch. I laughed out loud. What started out to be a routine visit to the ladies room turned into a major task. You just never know what will happen next.

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