Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6, 2015. Madison, Ms. Finished.

This morning, Wendy and Christina completed the final task. Greta Barbour intended to help but her daughter was ill so could not come. The final job was hanging up the clothes and sorting them onto their proper rack.. Also the shoes had to be placed on the racks. Now everything is in place and we are orderly, kind of that is. The painters are now working downstairs. They hope to be finished tomorrow and start on the main level the day after. That floor will be difficult. Fortunately, the Master Bedroom is now completely done so we are all in good order there. All the paintings are in the middle of the living room. The painters will just cover them up. We have 9 boxes of paintings not yet open, to protect them from the paint. When the painting is completed, I will open the boxes and lean the pictures against the walls. Soon the paintings will be hung. We are definitely making progress, thanks to our Wonderful Wendy!!

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