Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June 10, 2015. Harper, Texas. Ibrance.

This medication is not even approved in Canada, it is so new. It was approved on a fast track in the US because the survival rate gave the patient a 20% longer survival rate. It was developed specifically for stage 4 post menopausal women, just like me. The IV chemotherapy given to me at first did it's job. The pleural effusion went away as did the mass in my chest but my body was breaking down so that treatment had to be terminated. Fortunately, just a few weeks before, Ibrance was approved so we all agreed to start me on the higher dosage of Ibrance and monitor my blood counts carefully. One main side effect of Ibrance is the blood cells. With the original chemo I had trouble with blood. Twice I had blood transfusions so the Oncologists were careful and had me draw blood every week to see if I can continue the Ibrance treatment. Sure enough, with my third batch, I will be getting the lower dose. But the real fly in my ointment is the Oncologist in Halifax who I have been in touch with since mid April. I have been told today that he will not accept me as a patient because Ibrance is not approved in Canada. So two weeks before we will be in Nova Scotia, I have no one to watch out for me. But if I think about it, when we went to Mexico we did not speak with the Oncologist until we were there and all went well there. I know I must take the medication with me as I can not buy it in Canada, which is another issue I am trying to resolve. But one way or another, we will work it out. Wonderful Wendy has folks who can help... may be. In a worst case, we will find an Oncologist in Portland and take the ferry for my appointments. Should work one way or another.

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