Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015. Canyon Lake, Texas. Chocolate.

My task in the drug store today was to pick up our prescriptions and chocolate. The prescriptions were quickly accomplished but selecting the chocolate took longer. Ken eats any chocolate but prefers milk chocolate while I only eat dark chocolate. But they offer chocolate with almonds and chocolate with caramel and 70% chocolate, so selecting just the right kind takes time. Today I was a purist and bought only plain milk chocolate for Ken and dark for me. Ken eats any chocolate placed in front of him. Recently, he complained to Suzanne at breakfast that the chocolate in the bag was not very good. She laughed and replied that Crush, the dog, likes it just fine, because it was the dog medicine. We all laughed but next time she hid the medicine. Once at the farm in the middle of the night Ken was hungry for chocolate so he went to the kitchen to go searching. While sitting around the fire the girls like to eat those goodies made from graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate but we have trouble keeping chocolate in the pantry because Ken eats the chocolate. We try the freezer to no avail. Finally, Christina put two chocolate bars on the top shelf, well out of eye sight. That night, Ken was searching and searching for chocolate and finally found the bars in the top shelf and ate half. He had not bothered to turn on the lights because the outside farm light stays on all night and gives plenty of light to see to walk around. He was happy and went back to sleep. The next morning, he decided to eat the other half of the chocolate bar from last night, so he reached up high, opened the bar, only to find it full of maggots. The chocolate bar had been in the top cupboard so long that the bugs were eating it. That cured him from searching in the dark for chocolate. But it has not cured him from eating any chocolate within eye sight. He is a chocoholic!!

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