Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June 2, 2015. Harper, Texas. Surprises.

I have often wondered why I do not like surprises? Other folks seem to enjoy organizing them. My good friend and sister in law took a surprise visit to her best friend Sheila in Saskatchewan, of course with arrangements made with the family. Wilma said that she wondered if she had made a mistake because when Sheila saw her, she almost fainted. I would have told her a surprise visit was a bad thing. Sheila loved the whole surprise aspect of the visit, after she recovered. It was me that was horrified. One of the pleasures of an event is the anticipation. Before a party, I review the folks who will be attending and I will wonder what they will be wearing. I also think about the food and beverages. A surprise party removes all anticipation. And I like to prepare myself for the event. I like to be ready. I do the same with trips. The anticipation keeps me interested for ages, trying to figure out what we will be doing. Perhaps I am just a control freak but I do not like to be surprised. I like to know what is likely to happen and be ready. On the other hand, I enjoy it when people surprise me by stopping by to say hello. But I like best of all for friends to tell me ahead they are coming so I can put on the kettle for tea. That is my idea of a good surprise.


Mostly Mosaics by Martha said...

I love your comments! The other day I was thinking about your laugh, and Ken's chuckle! I can hear them so well in my head. Other laughs -- my daughter Melissa has a dear laugh, any baby that giggles and laughs. Such fun.
I also love children's jokes -- my nephew, Dr. David Thomas Branson, III - as a child would ask me to tell funny stories about people - and he would laugh and laugh and laugh. When my folks had the cottage, I could always lure David down on the dock with me ... and push him in! He thought it was too funny (he and his sister Meg were terrific swimmers). As an adult, he says he cannot visit us in our home as we live on a little pond! Such a suspicious person!! He is Nottingham, Eng. teaching some sort of special engineering. His sister, Meg Branson Baker, is the one who had a baby in February. It had been a difficult pregnancy, she spent 6 weeks flat in bed, he was born Cesearan - 5 lbs. But had such trouble with the suck-swallow-breath business -- he went down quite a bit. But with either the bottle or the breast every 2-3 hours, he finally got it figured out! But then he had to pass the "car-seat test." (I think he had to maintain his breathing for a period of time before he could go home!) All is well now -- although, I think nights are bit hassely! I know I cried to my Pediatrician if wasn't there something I could do?? Six months after the birth -- I was exhausted! I think the babes slept through when I just slept thru!!! And then of course the first night they did sleep thru -- I woke up paniced! And then life went on!! I think that I told you when Dale & I got married, I bemoaned the fact we would not have children (we were in our 50's, I had a hysterectomy years before) -- the dear man told me that if it was so important to me -- we could adopt! The good Lord stepped in and we did not!! We do have our grandson Andrew -- 22 and still finding his way. How we love him!!

Mostly Mosaics by Martha said...

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