Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28, 2015. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Fierce Weather.

Today, you could not possibly ignore the weather here at Western Head.  The waves are large and noisy and the rain is pounding on the windows, reminding us that we live  beside the bold Atlantic Ocean.   The day started innocently enough but things deteriorated.  First a light sprinkle of rain which increased in insensitivity all afternoon.  By the time we came upstairs to our bedroom, the scene out to sea was spectacular and we were pleased to be home in our cosy little nest.

Our attitude to weather is to ignore it and wear enough clothes to be comfortable, but the temperature had fallen through the day and our bedroom was chilly so I climbed into bed to get warm.   It was 8:30.  Ken turned up the thermostat so eventually the room was warm enough for me to get out of bed.   Our life these days is odd but comfortable.   I am prone to take a 30 minute nap before lunch and we retreat to our bedroom at 8:00 to read and answer e mails even though we retire to bed late.  Ken often takes a 15 minute nap right when we come upstairs, then reads late into the night.  There are advantages in being old.

The sounds of the waves are best heard from our bedroom.  The crashing of the waves make us pleased to be here in Nova Scotia at our house by the sea even when the weather is fierce.

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