Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11, 2015. Harper, Texas. Odds and Ends.

Hurrah. I was told today by the specialty pharmacy in Florida that I was approved to take the three months supply of Ibrands with me when we fly to Canada. The 3 months supply will be delivered to the Doctors office on Monday. That was a big deal and I am delighted. Of course, until I actually hold the medicine in my hands I will not really believe it, skeptic that I am. Actually, I an not cynical but I withhold celebration until the event actually happens. Kind of like not letting myself get disappointed. I suppose it is one way I have always stayed steady during my life. However, no progress on finding the Oncologist yet in Nova Scotia. Today, the server for the e mails was not working so perhaps I have new information and just don't yet know. A failed server is not to my liking!! The wind is strong today so perhaps that is the problem. I can not remember when I last changed the bed linens. Ken thinks I am nuts. Or he thinks I should write a note on the calendar. Now I have a routine to always change the sheets on Monday, except when we stay overnight at the motel in Fredericksburg and my system is out of whack. This started years ago in the condo in Chevy Chase when we were always at the farm for the weekend. I would ask myself "How many nights have we slept in this bed?" I would count and try to figure it out. Maximum was 7 nights. I still do the same thing now except I am now changing the sheets every Monday. It is the new rule. I will be OK if my biggest problem is changing the sheets.

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