Thursday, July 12, 2018

July 12, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Ladies Lunch.

Having lunch with the ladies is pure pleasure, especially when you eat in a good restaurant. No part of the event was stressful. I invited Eleanor, Greta Barbour and Christina for lunch at the Ameriga restaurant, which is just down the street from us. In order to enjoy a ladies lunch, all you do is invite the people, make the reservation and enjoy the event. I do not need to set the table nor cook or tidy thee house. These three ladies are our best friends in Jackson so seeing them together is always a treat. All I have to do is show up, and enjoy the conversation. Christina picked me up. We had much to discuss. Jim ha been sick with his diabetes which had been out of wack and Greta Barbour had just returned from their July 4th visit with John's parents at their cabin on the beach. John's Mother had the children make a journal each day. She had brought paper and lost of stuff to put into the journal, including stickers and strings and markers. The children loved it. Now they have a wonderful souvenir. We talked children and we talked Mississippi, both topics dear to my heart. I am always interested in what these home schooled children do all summer. I found out that they are busy. The twin boys work part time at the local country club. All the children attended camp. Evelyn is next week attending sewing class at church. All sorts of activities to enjoy for the summer. Two weeks ago all three Mihls children went to camp so Join and Greta Barbour seen their time paining their bedroom and moving furniture. Greta Barbour inherited her Mothers bedroom furniture is it was in stalled, which meant moving chest around to the children's rooms. All simple pleasures. This morning, Kate, Mary Frances, Molly, Christina and I had a pedicure. When they brought me home, and came in to visit with Ken, Kate discovered that the ladies were going out for lunch. She reminded me that as she was 21 years old, she actually qualified as a lady. But we just laughed. Our ladies lunch was delightful, with good food, interesting conversation with not a scrap of stress. Pretty nice.

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