Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July 18, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. All Set.

All the ice cream had been eaten in our house. It must be time to get out of town. All the food cooked on Thursday has been consumed. We have no food left in our fridge and just a few items left in the freezer. Our cases for the cruise have been ready for days and today I closed up our small roll on bags full of medications. The only things left tomorrow morning is to have breakfast, put anything we have forgotten into our backpacks and head to the airport. We are leaving Mississippi for the rest of the summer. When we arrived at the end of March both Ken and I thought we might never be able to leave Mississippi. We were OK with that. Our home is lovely and we are able to function easily here. But Ken wanted to go to Nova Scotia and has been working hard to get strong enough to go. Also we comissioned a new sculpture for the yard at Western Head, called Fisherman Ken and Ken wanted to see it installed. So we are going. April will drive us to the airport. Then return our car and put it in the garage. Christina will pick it up and take it to her home. Once a week she will drive it to our home to pick up the mail and check on the house. Everything is set. I have one load of clothes to fold before taking my Ibrance. Then I will go to bed. Our summer plan is ambitious. I hope for the best.

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